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(現代日本学基礎講読Ⅰ)日本史に関する英語文献の読解 An Introduction to Reading Japanese History in English

NO 43
科目名 (現代日本学基礎講読Ⅰ)日本史に関する英語文献の読解 An Introduction to Reading Japanese History in English
対象 文学研究科、日本学関係の専攻の学部学生
担当教員 Christopher Craig
受講人数 25名
授業内容 英語で書かれた日本史の文献を取り上げその課題と方法・用語を習得し日本語に翻訳する。
授業形態 毎週、使用資料や生徒が用意した資料をClassroomに掲載し、Meetを活用してリアルタイムで授業を行った。
Each week, two students prepared and uploaded the source materials for the class and presented those materials in the class, followed by comments from me and discussion with the other class members.
使用LMS Google Classroom, Google Meet
評価方法 Student evaluations were based primarily on the source materials/translations that students produced and uploaded to Classroom and the class presentations they conducted, with additional consideration given to participation in class discussion. There was no test.
工夫した点 Special approaches to the problems of virtual lessons can be divided into two categories: 1) Approaches to online classes and 2) Approaches for managing students during a crisis situation
Category 1): The shared Google Drive folder attached to the Classroom page was used to share class materials, including the student-prepared source materials, which allowed all students to prepare questions and discussion points for the realtime classes on Google Meet. The chat function in Meet was used to provide detailed translation corrections and supplemental source materials related to the class presentations, which were then uploaded to the Drive folder. The message board on the Classroom page was used as a forum for students to share online and other resources they used in preparing their translations and presentations.
Category 2): Special consideration was given to the unique stresses faced by students under the current situation and efforts were made to minimize any additional stress the class would impose. It was made clear to students that the completion of their assignment and regular participation in class would guarantee them a grade of A. Realtime class sessions opened with a brief discussion of the state of the pandemic and reassurances that the various problems being faced by students were understood and additional support was available to anyone who needed it. Feedback was sought from students to ensure that the class workload was manageable under the current circumstances.
反省すべき点 Some students find participation in realtime discussion on Meet (which is not designed to work with group discussions) difficult. In the future, I will try to build a more structured format for class discussions that will compensate for the weaknesses inherent to the application.
その他気が付いたこと Class attendance was nearly 100% for all realtime classes.

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